The Skiatook Junior Chamber is:

    • Between the Skiatook Chamber of Commerce, Skiatook Public Schools and local businesses and entities.

    • Creating a workforce pipeline

    • In the student’s future

    • Our local workforce pipeline

    • Scholarship Opportunities

    • Monthly Lunch & Learns

    • Specialized Field Trips

    • Young Entrepreneurs 101 Coming Soon



Internship & Scholarship Opportunities.

Due to the partnerships that have been nurtured between the Skiatook Chamber of Commerce, our local businesses and Skiatook Public Schools, seniors enrolled in the Skiatook Junior Chamber have the unique opportunity to intern, along with the chance to apply for a scholarship each May.

The senior members have the chance to intern with our local businesses and entities 2 hours per day, during their school day so that it does not interfere with work or extracurricular activities. While doing so they are earning high school credit through the ICap program and our businesses are mentoring and filling a gap in employment.

We, as the Skiatook Chamber, are assisting in creating future leaders while creating a workforce pipeline for our business community.

It is simple... Our Junior Chamber program consists of Skiatook High School students (9th- 12th grade). These students understand that we, as adults and business leaders, are taking the time to invest in them, in their future.

The students have a monthly lunch in the high school library where they learn of a variety of industries, what it takes to achieve it and how they can do so if they wish. They also learn the importance of professionalism, resume building, interview skills and more. Junior Chamber members have the opportunity to volunteer within our community and are being connected to see exactly how our Skiatook economy works. They are learning the importance of sales tax and doing business here in the 74070.

The Chamber is assisting S.P.S in guiding these students to college, trade schools or the workforce after graduation. Life is not a cookie cutter. In offering this program, giving students the opportunity to hear from business leaders, volunteering and networking, we are creating a workforce pipeline for Skiatook all while instilling life/ business skills into these students before they head out into the real world.


Each school year, Junior Chamber Members are required to fill out a new application for acceptance. After acceptance, there will be an Orientation during their lunch hour. This spells out what to look forward to and what the expectations are. Aside from being Positive & Engaged, members are required to attend 6 of the 9 Lunch & Learn Meetings and Volunteer at 2 Chamber Events per year.

The applications are found below. Be sure to click which one pertains to your student. They are also welcome to pick one up in the high school counseling office.

Application: Returning Junior Chamber Member

Application: New Junior Chamber Member

What will Junior Chamber Members come away with?





